March 25, 2021

Hon’ble Supreme Court Ends Extension of Limitation Period

On 08.03.2021, the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India took suo motu cognizance of the situation, after taking note of onset of COVID-19 pandemic and the difficulties that might be faced by the litigants across the country in filing petitions/applications/suits/appeals/all other proceedings within the period of limitation prescribed under the general law of limitation or under any special laws (both Central or State).

By an order dated 27.03.2020, the Hon’ble Court extended the period of limitation prescribed under the general law or special laws whether compoundable or not with effect from 15.03.2020 till further orders. The order dated 15.03.2020 was extended from time to time.

The Hon'ble Supreme Court observed that "Though, we have not seen the end of the pandemic, there is considerable improvement. The lockdown has been lifted and the country is returning to normalcy. Almost all the Courts and Tribunals are functioning either physically or by virtual mode. We are of the opinion that the order dated 15.03.2020 has served its purpose and in view of the changing scenario relating to the pandemic, the extension of limitation should come to an end."

March 23, 2021

On receiving the suggestions and requests, the Hon’ble Judges of Committee of the Supreme Court of India resolved regarding resumption of physical hearing of cases in the Court Rooms and consequently, the Registry of the Supreme Court of India vide communication dated August 18, 2020 advised the Supreme Court Advocates-on-Record Association about the resolution to resume physical hearings in a limited manner, subject to the decision of the ‘Competent Authority’.

It has been resolved that on experimental basis and as a pilot scheme, three amongst the bigger Court Rooms in the Supreme Court may be prepared within a week’s time for physical hearings for a limited number of cases strictly adhering to the prescribed distancing and other norms. It has also been resolved that steps would be taken to improve and strengthen e-filing and such other components of hearing through Video/ Tele Conferencing mode.

The link hereinbelow provides more details as mentioned in the communication dated August 18, 2020:

March 08, 2021

Today, the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks (CGPDTM) has issued a Public Notice notifying all the stakeholders that period of limitation shall be computed in accordance with the order dated March 08, 2021 passed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. The link hereinbelow provides further details –

May 25, 2020

On May 21, 2020, in the case, Intellectual Property Attorneys Association (IPAA) and Anr. v. The Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks and Anr., the Hon’ble Delhi High Court stayed the operation of Public Notice dated 18.05.2020 and Public Notice dated 20.05.2020 issued by the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks (CGPDTM), until further orders of the Court vis-à-vis the due dates of timelines/periods prescribed under the IP Acts and Rules administered by the Office of CGPDTM.

May 24, 2020

In accordance with the temporary authority provided by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO or Office) further extended the time to file certain patent-related documents and to pay certain required fees.

The USPTO had already extended various deadlines twice, with the latest extension expiring at the end of this month. The link hereinbelow provides more details.

November 20, 2020

On November 10, 2020, the Hon’ble Delhi High Court, in view of the prevailing situation of spread of Coronavirus pandemic in National Capital Territory of Delhi, has been pleased to order that the present system of hearing the matters before this court shall continue up to November 30, 2020. Additionally, the cases already listed before this Court up to November 30, 2020 shall stand adjourned en bloc.

The link hereinbelow provides more details as mentioned in the Office Order dated November 10, 2020 –

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